YOU & ME _ Game of Love and Intimacy

YOU & ME _ Game of Love and Intimacy


Two to tangle! Will it be "you” or “me" who enjoys the undivided attentions of their partner? Only the dice can decide! You & Me includes 90 bedroom challenges to bring partners even closer. If you are the lucky partner chosen you can then choose just how you want your treat to be.

Hotter actions gain your partner more points, helping them reach the winning ten points earlier when they are able to ask for their ultimate wish! All along the way, do remember to ask for and receive consent!

INCLUDES: 90 Forfeit Cards, 8 “Special” Cards, 2 “Joker” Cards, 1 Die, 1 Sand Timer

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Spice it Up!

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Date Nights Creative Ideas


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SEXY "Truth or Dare" Pick-a-Stick Game

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MONOGAMY: A Hot Affair...with Your Partner!
